Fostering stakeholder collaboration towards disaster resilience

In Loving Memory of the Victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
Completado el equipo de dirección de la UA


Stakeholders have different roles. For example, some help to define the problem by building disaster-risk scenarios. Others work on solutions by developing mitigation strategies or preparedness activities. Collectively, they contribute to a large complex management system. Diagrams and simulation models that illustrate the cause and effect of decisions made by different stakeholders can provide insight into the key aspects of such systems. A simple system dynamics simulation model of a disaster-related management system based on eight disaster-related objectives will be presented.
Additionally, the talk will outline the results of a task within the EU MEDiate Project on modelling stakeholder relations of a 3-decade-long risk reduction programme for urban avalanches and landslides in Iceland. The programme originally included multiple towns, and numerous stakeholders at different hierarchal levels, and was meant to be finished in 2010. Due to programme expansions and delays, it is still ongoing. In 2020, in a span of one week, 24 landslides fell above or onto one of the towns, leading to evacuations and damages. The results are a set of diagrams highlighting causal relations among the stakeholders that include key policy issues required to drive an effective disaster-related management system.

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