Focus: Review of the delivery of the MSc program and its adjustments in pursuit of feedback.
Summary of the Article:
In the third year of its implementation, the geoDRR undertook an overall mid-term review of the MSc in Geomatics for Disaster Risk Reduction. This was in collaboration with all partner universities. The process sought the perceptions of students’, faculties’, and external stakeholders’ regarding how well programme objectives had hitherto been addressed.
Feedback was based on both the strengths of the VLE and the practical value of the curriculum and those aspects that needed changes in order to make it more relevant to real-world needs. Results informed updates in course materials and teaching methods so that students would receive training in disaster risk reduction tools and strategies in the most relevant way.
This semester also focused on the articulation of new insights into the curriculum, making the program adaptive and responsive to emerging challenges in climate change and disaster management. The geoDRR project continually refined this MSc program with direct feedback for high-quality educational experiences that directly contribute to building more resilient communities in Southeast Asia.